more things i accidentally picked up (shopping with phin #2: the library)

Jul 22, 2009 14:54

Only a few pictures this time - partly because i'm having kind of a shit day (stupid panic attacks, stupid agoraphobia, stupid bastards not calling back about my wheelchair again) and partly because for the most part libraries look largely the same.

I almost checked out the Jenny McCarthy book. Almost. I also found Dr. Laura has written parenting books, which either fills me with seething hatred or black despair, i'll get back to you on which.

I DID actually check out that ridiculous "Mom-fidence" book even though the title makes me want to break things. I'm looking forward to such revolutionary pieces of pseudo-advice as "an Oreo never hurt anyone." (actual example from text). The last questionable advice book I checked out was something about Zen Cleaning and had the wonderful tidbit of "if you don't feel like cleaning your kitchen floor, think of all of those people who don't have the luxury of a kitchen floor to clean."

Today's Patron of the Day Award goes to the woman who asked the librarian to recommend her some fiction books she could get from the library for the blind because she has migranes and she wants to still keep reading through the migranes, and they have to be not this year's books because it takes a while for the library for the blind to transcribe things, and oh she didn't want any of that Queer Fiction and none of that Asian fiction and none of that African-American fiction, just general fiction, but she wasn't getting anything here, she just needed to monopolize twenty minutes of the librarian's time and talk loud enough to be heard throughout most of the first floor (granted our library is a tad small but some people just don't have Indoor Voices? she was one of those people.)


Even scarier than the parenting books (and the eighteen versions of 'what to expect when you're expecting' (that's the one that has the 'eat nothing without adding two tons of guilt to it' diet where the book lectures you for two pages on how you have to make sure that every single bite you eat is Ambrosia made with Angel Dust (not to be confused with the popular hallucinogen of the 1980's, they actually mean dust from real angels, cherubs at a very minimum and they're only okay if you're one of those BAD PARENTS who DOESN'T REALLY CARE ABOUT THEIR BABY.)) are the dating books. no, really, i mean it. gold digging is alive and well and it has access to publishers. witness:

"Dating Up." "The Scorecard." "Profiling your date."

okay, maybe it's not as scary as the parenting books, i take that back, but it's definitely down the same major road to get there.

And finally, from the grocery store:

PANTY PEELER BEER. photographed first because 'panty peeler' always makes me think of Wilson trying to be suave and just being faintly embarassing, and second because WHAT? I can't imagine buying this. There's always the potential risk that someone would take it seriously.

shopping with phin, some people suck, my head is pasted on crooked yay

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