
Jul 16, 2009 09:29

i spent a good bit of yesterday playing sims and the rest altering books for Seaners (making raised pictures and braille and all that stuff there.)

now i want to draw a comic strip. but considering i can't even finish the so-called serial fics I'm doing (yes, i swear i am working on the genderfuckery; i wrote myself into a corner and i have to get out of it) it would have to be a very, very occasional comic strip.

today's plans: waiting for the wheelchair repairman/loaner wheelchair delivery (between 11 and 12) maybe hitting the library. studying for phlebotomy quiz. my joints hurt.

clickies, from tourmaline1973, foxestacado and nightdog_barks:

dazed giant squid washes up after quake

cats "exploit" humans by purring

horse yodelling with the amish

knitted lace bookmark pattern

how are you?

knitting, gimpy, pain

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