i think something happened while i was asleep again

Jul 13, 2009 12:00

because my flist just exploded. So let's have ice cream instead. everyone bring their favorite topping. it'll be awesome. you know what's great on ice cream? Captain Crunch. I like the original flavor myself. I want some now.

Why do you deserve ice cream today? I'm going out for a banana split because i had to call the goddamn department of voc rehab this morning. it's staffed by autistic vulcans with a serious hard-on for routine; i was told to report for checkin for this orientation at 12:45 and it starts EXACTLY AT ONE. They refuse to say what goes on at the orientation, but they are very anal about the time.

i don't know what it is about these places, but something just sucks the life and humanity right out of them. I've had more fun at the DMV. Unfortunately I want to go back to school and I'm not independently wealthy, so. (I found out that UW has a four year 'medical technology' program that is pretty much EXACTLY what i want - there's lots of playing around with lab tests and going on grand rounds and Figuring Out Diseases and oh god that makes me so incredibly, stupidly excited. And the Vampire School counts as appropriate work experience! god i'm such a nerd.)

anyway! some clickies:

animal icons

teenage boy sucked into pool pump just - WAH. OMG.

I wound the yarn for my knitting project today! After I post this I'm off to the ice cream place and the college bookstore (to buy scantron sheets) and the library and somewhere in there I'm hoping to write and/or play with stuff. Tomorrow I have PT and botox shots and Wednesday I'm making touchy-feely-braille books with Seaners' orientation teacher, and Thursday we see the pediatric sleep specialist (oh boy! or something? it means the kid is home for the day and that kind of sucks but i guess it's just one day.)

in other news: our toilet is built on an ancient indian burial ground, or something. it's CONSTANTLY some low-level of broken.

phin has strange fixations, phin goes blah blah blah

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