here i am already

Jul 07, 2009 17:14

home again home again jiggity jig.
i've been reading Fables comics all day and i cried like a baby over the end of book eight. (it was a good crying.)
and i still have two days worth of torchwood to watch.
this fandom thing is hard on a person's emotions.

I now have freshly repaired orthodics, vitamins, an order for more bloodwork in a month and an appointment with my psychiatrist in two days to get fixed up with cymbalta (rheumatologist deferred that to him because he's got more experience working with combined braindrugs.) The rheumatologist is pleased that i'm going through with the sleep study, which apparently made up for the fact that his gluten-free-sugar-free diet is not about to happen (for a ton and a half of reasons.) i am filed under 'good patients', apparently.

i have taken far too many buses and clocked way too many wheelchair miles for one day.

how are you?

medical-go-round, meds, ate too many fannish cookies again

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