of melons and acolytes

Jul 05, 2009 22:56

It was harvest time, and the monks were busily storing food for the long winter ahead. Even Guang was lending a hand for a change. Jing had been reluctant to ask his old friend for assistance with the harvest - as much as he loved Guang, he also knew Guang very well, and knew that Guang detested manual labor. However, even the most stubborn horse can be gentled with sweet treats, and Guang had proven receptive to Jing's promises of melon cakes.

"Melons are very similar to acolytes." Guang commented agreeably, snatching a piece of the soft dough and popping it in his mouth.

"How are melons similar to acolytes?" Jing laughed.

"They sit and ripen for many months - they take a long time to mature."

Jing considered this and agreed that it was so.

Guang paused, a crafty smile spreading across his face: and he struck the floor sharply with his cane.

Rou entered the room, harried and breathless. "Did you need something, master Guang?"

"Come here, boy, and assist with my lesson." Guang instructed.

"What is the lesson, master?"

"Today's lesson is how acolytes are similar to melons. First, we have established they each require a long time to mature." Guang reached out and rapped his knuckles sharply on Rou's head. "And second, when you hit them to gauge their ripeness, it is difficult to determine what's going on inside."

Jing, despite himself, burst out laughing.

Guang grinned and stole another piece of dough.

writing, monastery au

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