an appropriate meme

Jun 04, 2009 16:58

What do you write with?

Occasionally longhand but my hands cramp if i do that too much: however, if i'm at an 'event' like a workshop or write-o-rama (which you can still sponsor me for if you have a notion, and it means that hugo house's writing workshops and programs get funding and i have fun and i'll write you something awesome for your trouble) i write longhand for that so i don't have to lug my laptop around. Usually if I write in a program i'll either use Semagic (LJ client) or notepad, because i do all my html by hand. Word gets used later if i want to send something out and that's the format they want, or if I'm in a writing class that wants things printed out nicely.

Where do you write?

Usually in my spot on the sofa. Sometimes in coffee shops or other places if i'm offroading it with the laptop. I want to get one of those mininotebook computers: I'm hoping to get one for school next month if things go as planned.)

How often do you write, and how much?

I write as frequently as I can: i try to do at least something every week. According to my past bunch of roundup posts I can pretty reliably write something every week on average and sometimes more frequently. How much depends on the piece. Some things are complete in not much more than fifty words, and some things are four or five thousand. They usually tend to be around the five to eight hundred mark though. I wish i could write more longer pieces, which is partly why i'm kind of excited about Torchwood fandom. A lot of my original work is teeny tiny nanofics and House casefics are hard to do well. It's a lot easier (for me) to come up with some kind of temporal disturbance/alien thingy and make it sound plausible.

What inspires you?

the whole damn world. please refer to yuki_onna's wonderful piece, how to sleep with a writer, and just extend it out to all people. I have a big prompt bucket but that's only part of it.

How do you write? Do you dive in? Do you take some notes? Do you make up a full outline before starting?

I just - start. If i have notes or a prompt, i'll work from that and see where it goes. sometimes i have a title or an idea or just a sound.

How many pieces do you work on at once?

As many as I need to.

What do you do after you’re ‘finished’ but haven’t posted?

Some things get betaed and some things don't - i have a filter for that. Usually the shorter it is the less likely it's going to get betaed.

two clickies, courtesy brewsternorth and euclase:

german gay penguins rear adopted chick HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM IS WAY MORE COMMON THAN YOU PROBABLY THINK. for reference, check out evolution's rainbow by Joan Roughgarden. the book is amazing and so is she: she's a Christian transgendered evolutionary biologist, and smart and literate as all hell. one of my favorites.

paper art This guy does freaking amazing stuff with creases and folds. it seems impossible.

also: anyone who's donating to the hugh laurie charity thing next month and wants some fic from me through creations for donations: email me (phinnia at comcast dot net) with the reciept and an idea of what you want. it's probably a smart idea to have some idea of what i'm willing to write, but y'all can find that easily enough. i reserve the right to say 'i can't write what you're asking me to'.

anyway! that's all i've got. it's a million and two degrees in here and i'm somewhere in between liquid and plasma states. hope it's better whereever you are.

penguins are incredible, shameless geekery, writing, muse

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