
May 03, 2009 22:02

  • 08:37 broken sleep due to oncoming cold. blah. #
  • 08:43 what to knit first - lace hat or socks? or work on half dozen other projects?or write or whatever.too many choices *fails* #
  • 14:41 had nap while installing stuff on computer.kid supercranky, hopefully he settles soon. have mild fever. obvs. that pig thing. #
  • 14:50 child comforted by david attenborough and 'blue planet: seas of life'. fair enough. #
  • 14:58 and now it's like nothing ever happened.he has cardboard stimmie +pillow and fan for whitenoise+loveseat to jump on + david attenboroough. #
  • 18:51 figured out how to make the trending topics view go away. YES! (okay, i'm easily excited. and a tad bit slow at the moment.) #
  • 22:50 bed. sore, and it's too damn hot in here. summer's going to be a blast. #
  • 22:51 goodnight twitter, goodnight moon; goodnight girl with the red balloon <3 #
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