and now it's time for unsent letters

May 01, 2009 14:04

dear person haggling for postage,

i don't think they'll let you do that even in places where haggling is commonplace. The postal service's rates go up. It sucks but there's nothing that can be done and all you're doing is annoying the people behind you in line.


dear crabby-ass hipster at Cafe Vita,

You can Get The Fuck Bent with my compliments, stomping off in a huff because i sat down at the end of a six person table you were occupying half of AND dared to accidentally nudge the leg thus disturbing your ... i don't know, sulking, brooding over the price of hair wax or nerd glasses, whatever you were doing there. Fortunately the gods smiled on me for daring to sit there, because after you left a cute girl sat where you were.

Still, get your retro imitation urban outfitters forty dollar stick out of your ass.


dear woman wearing the leopard miniskirt and gigantic black hat with the mourner's veil,

interesting fashion choices for a trip to the grocery store at 11AM.


dear queer sped-type checkout person at value village,

idk what effect you were TRYING to achieve with the scraggly beard and the piercings, but it looks like your facial hair is pierced. which is just weird. maybe you were trying to make it look that way, but it's not really a good look for you. or well, anyone.



hi! i had a delightful time Out, despite what the unsent letters may lead you to believe. <3 how are you? fic roundup post soon. maybe a pic post later, maybe not.


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