
Apr 29, 2009 23:02

  • 11:57 astonishingly productive morning fsvo 'productive' anyway. bollywood music is good for productivity, i guess" time to beta, then write. #
  • 12:49 grocery bins unpacked today: seven. calves and knees hurt liek whoa. #
  • 12:53 okay, i'm putting it here too.sean's sharing day is tomorrow(i hate sharing day.i can never remember it) and his field trip is friday.argh. #
  • 12:55 and i need to take my meds around 4 PDT. i've forgotten the past two days. not good. *flails* arghbrain. #
  • 14:54 shit. child has cavity. child needs new dentist as old one retired. ohfuck #
  • 15:01 called my dentist. they don't do sedated dentistry but will find us someone who does, someone he takes his kids to i think. #
  • 15:05 also: wrote two minifics in an hour. GO ME. #
  • 16:23 anxiety overflow again. too many klonopin on too many afternoons atm.hope they find me a shrink soon.meds need adjusting again. damnit. #
  • 16:47 took meds.took klonopin. having snack w/ protein. bah. #
  • 21:39 school autodialler made me panic only to say they weren't cancelling classes due to some kid's swine flu.EVEN SICKER of hearing about it now #
  • 21:40 and i was sick of it before. just - augh! #
  • 21:41 oh, better - it MIGHT HAVE BEEN swine flu. they don't even KNOW. *seethe* #
  • 21:56 bed is later than i wanted it to be. but otherwise an excellent evening. #
  • 22:15 up late; but if there's ever a reason to be up late, ice cream is that reason. #
  • 22:49 goodnight twitter, goodnight moon; goodnight girl with the red balloon <3 #
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