eh, maybe

Apr 29, 2009 14:50

title: eh, maybe
author: phinnia
rating: G
pairing: house/wilson (slash is in the eye of the beholder.)
disclaimer: a wandering minstrel i, a thing of shreds and patches.i own nothing.
author's note: for seularen, who gave the prompt "terminally ambivalent." dialogue only.

"You hungry?"

"Eh, maybe."

"What does that mean?"

"It means 'eh, maybe'. I could be."

"I don''t think i've ever known you to say 'eh' to food."

"You learn something new every day, boy scout. Shut up and let me watch this."

"No, really. Are you okay?"

"Well, I was, until you started being annoyi - what are you doing? Unhand me, you scurvy knave!"

"Just checking your temperature. And pulse."

"I told you, i'm fine, or i would be if you'd cut it out."

"Open your mouth."

"What?" *cough*

"Aha! I knew there was something."

"It's nothing. Just ..."

"Just what?"

"I'm feeling a little tired lately."

"You need anything?"

"No, i'll be *cough* fine."

"Are you sure? Anything at all?"

"Well, maybe - no, it's too far. "

"What is it?"

"You remember that place we stopped at last weekend on the way back from New York?"

"Yes, of course."

"I could really go for one of their chili dogs. Maybe even two." *cough* *cough* "I'm feeling kind of woozy. Need some protein."

"I can do that."

"You sure?"

"Positive. You going to be okay while I'm gone?"

"Yeah. I think I'm just going to -" *yawn* "have a bit of a nap."

"Good. Okay. Here, let me tuck this blanket around you ... don't want you getting a chill ... and i'll be back in an hour, okay? You've got your phone?"


"Okay. Call me if you need anything else." *slam*

*stretch* "...sucker."

house, fanfic

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