wow, a family outing, that never happens

Apr 26, 2009 19:09

it was a nice day, so we went to the park and had ice cream.

The park was really nice, and i got to test out the offroading capabilities of the wheelchair, and discovered that the park was more level and much nicer to drive around in than most of Seattle's residential neighborhoods' sidewalks. Chris and I were somewhat bumbling trying to figure out how to handle seaners on the playground equipment, and of course it turns out that seaners is better than both of us at finding his way around playground equipment. swings are a favorite but slides are an okay diversion. He went deep into Seanworld while swinging; i don't think i've ever seen him so happy playing by himself. now that i know how to get there we'll have to go more often.

icecream was delightful: i had balsamic strawberry and coffee, chris had coffee and chocolate. we got a kid-scoop of baby beet sorbet for seaners, who rejected it as he does all ice cream flavors (he had to have sorbet because dairy is an issue and we weren't sure that pomegranate curry sorbet would go over as well), but he enjoyed listening to the music playing in the shop (and we ate the baby beet sorbet, and it was absolutely amazing.)

next time i want to try and find the big chessboard at the park. and if it's warm there may be wading pool action. i wasn't kidding when i said that family outings don't happen around here; i don't remember when the last one was. this is probably a combination of my hermit nature and chris's tendency to work weekends, but it wasn't bad. the other parents did not bite me. i could go again at some point. (and i've found out that my usual reluctance to not go to parks because they are huge and exhausting is at least partly mitigated by the wheelchair. really most everywhere is easier with the wheelchair.) and the bouncy rubber stuff is much easier to drive on than sand would have been. (there aren't even sand play areas or places to just fool around in though, and that's kind of sad: that was one of the things that i liked about sand under the play structures. now there are the Designated Play Structures and manicured lawns. Oh, helicopter moms that fear nature. sad.)

then we went home, i fell asleep (normal response to being out under the daystar) and now there will be pizza. the end.

how are you?

some parents suck, gtfo my lawn, seattle

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