i have returned, full of caramel and contrast material

Apr 19, 2009 20:53

MRI was ... as i said to several people: you know those japanese capsule hotels? those are slightly roomier than the mri tube. i don't think i would do the closed one again; i didn't have a panic attack, but it was a bit nearer to that than i might have liked. the wedge cushion under my knees was fabulous though - must get one for the house. (edit: done).
also she said the images were very nice. i haz photogenic brains AND i can show you them. (interested parties may also note that my cervix is apparently very lovely according to at least one gynecologist.)

clockwork orange fans will be amused to note that the classical music station i was listening to during the procedure was playing Beethoven's Ninth. (no, really.)

afterwards i went to dilletante, and it was delicious. salted caramel ice cream was interesting but meh - would not get it again. have now been sniffed snugglesed and approved of by Emilys and cats and boys and my apartment is clean and my boy is fed.

clickies brought to you by miintikwa <3<3<3

various penguins and antarctic pictures of the day:

macaroni penguins at south georgia beach. i don't know what it is about this that makes it look like an oil painting to me, but it does. what do you think?

emperor penguin chicks adolescents hanging around and gossiping. <3

chinstrap penguin chick SO CUTE!!<3

iceberg frozen into extensive sea ice It looks like a stump. a really big tree stump.

gentoo penguins at surf bay in the falkland islands there's no ice in this one at all so it looks almost like a northern california beach or something like. ambassadors from the south!

single gentoo penguin so cute! there's some great detail in this one.

MIT hack: in case of zombie attack break glass. love.

more antarctica yay, antarctica is clearly awesome, penguins are incredible, medical-go-round, adventures in medical care

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