
Apr 11, 2009 12:54

today feels decidedly fail-abulous, for no real reason. There are some good things about the kidlet that have happened over the last while though:

Seaners has learned a new word, which he definitely understands and sometimes even says: "tickle".

Over the summer, he'll be getting extra orientation/mobility training - around our apartment, at the pool, etc. etc. He's ready to have a cane at home and he's going to be having extra swim time with his orientation/mobility teacher because she wants to make up for some time. I'm really excited about this: he's doing really well at school.

clickies, brought to you by hithah, tallin and nightdog_barks:

black rain. (video): this is raw satellite footage from the NASA STEREO project (from the Helioscopic Imager) spliced together and set to ambient music. it's absolutely incredible.

Morgenrot. (video): i'll just borrow Nightdog's phrasing for this one: It looks for all the world like Desom (the filmmaker) has taken real late 19th-early 20th century photos of New York and has incorporated them in some stereoscopic way with ... a falling piano. the title translates to 'Red Dawn'.

Polish court has applied the same DUI laws for cars to cyclists

new zealand penguins play ice football/soccer this is THE CUTEST THING EVER OMG.

remember that april fool's joke by the bacon salt people? 'Bacon Lube'? Apparently there is actually a demand for this product. They're going to try and market it. *boggles*

penguins are incredible, sped antics, my friends are awesome, what's the matter with kids today

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