bad pain day despite sleeping in until i was really ready to wake up plus three different pain meds. i'm sitting here trying not to move too much. i meant to go out today to pick up the few things that i'd forgotten, but i just put in an amazon fresh order for them (and a few other things - but they have a thirty dollar minimum and how can one resist a star-icecube-tray? it can go with my ''titanic and iceberg' tray and my 'lego blocks' tray.
brought to you by
ohhbertie and
hitchhiker from FMyLife, a short vignette about sex, and House. slightly textually nsfw.
DNA origami design of dolphin-shaped structures with flexible tails. OMG.
woman, 78, sues to get back into senior center card game. this sounds exactly like a plot out of Golden Girls, doesn't it? (i love that show. we have all seven seasons.)
seals and robotic subs monitor antarctic climate chnage. how are you all? i'm having a bad pain day, as i said, but it's friday which means dinnert burgers and shakes and there's no cooking involved; the kid may well go swimming this weekend, and we may be visiting with
nihilistech. so my day is okay despite that.
i actually cooked last night's dinner. i honestly don't remember the last time i cooked (beyond heating things) for whatever reason. i'm pretty sure it was when
gizmometer was here, which is just sad. chris has been doing dinner a lot. i