more things i call adventures

Apr 09, 2009 13:35

had to call about deferring my student loans. i think i managed to get the trainee call rep, because she kept putting me on hold for everything, which made me nervous. and this happened about six times, so by the end of the phone call i was a complete wreck.

this is made even worse by the aphasia, which seems to be stress-induced. "are you working?" "no, i'm a chronic pain sufferer and no one knows what it is that i have." "are you looking for work?" "uh, um, no, because of the medical ... care ... thing." "let me put you on hold." AUGH. she was very nice, i felt bad for her for getting such a spastic caller. (I can use that, it actually applies to me. if i remember correctly back in the days of 'moron' and 'idiot' as meaningful qualifying terms (no, really, this is not Gregory House) my particular disease was called 'spastic' and i was lumped in with the crippled and the lame. anyway.)

had amusing experience at the QFC today. i kept catching up with this adorable toddler and his mother - the child could not have been two years old - and he stared at me in fascination every time our paths crossed. he was behind me in the checkout line and while i was waiting for the bagger guy he finally understood (you could see the little light go on, it was adorable) that the big machine was carrying me around ... like I was in a stroller! JUST LIKE HIM! OMG!

he was very excited by this fact (there was some minor flailing) and he offered me a piece of his snack (a bits and bites/chex mix type of thing) which i politely declined (at that point he tried to give it to his mother and it fell on the floor, i think) and he was staring and entranced as we went out the door and each turned our separate ways.

it was possibly the cutest thing i've ever seen. certainly when the child in question is not my own after all.

i see what you did thar, what's the matter with kids today

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