couldn't sleep last night due to naps in midday. took ambien last night; slept in. really bad pain day; can't find a comfortable position for the life of me.
clickies are brought to you today by
dolphingirl and
mydwynter (and i need to go out for coffee with every one of them <3)
school warns parents dead daughter can't go to prom. *wince*
best shepherds ever. this is seriously the coolest thing i have ever seen. a must-view: worksafe, sound not necessary, vision kind of needful.
elephant angel sought by belfast zoo wonderful story. <3
children born into f/f relationships in NYC can now list both female parents as mothers. astronaut tests space-age underpants. sir ernest shackleton's last photograph and autograph sold at auction. amazing antarctic pics of the day:
one (lovely sunset/ice pic),
two (this one has a twin otter in it, which was made by the company my father worked for before he retired),
three (lots of near-adult emperor penguins!)