
Mar 22, 2009 13:43

today's clickies are brought to you by nightdog_barks, lover of birds and coffee and alternative universes.

man wins lawsuit against polio vaccine maker after he was infected with polio through his daughter's poop. she'd had a live oral vaccine. talk about one in a million odds. more information here.

(you just know there's going to be at least one fool out there that won't get their child vaccinated now because of this.)

biker brawl in sydney airport.

rare star to supernova link established.

deadly nerve toxin affects deep sea creatures.

today, things are even more boring than yesterday. more cleaning, some unpacking, blah blah blah, boring. not even nice enough to go to the park.

this coming week is my last week of freedom before yet another week of pointless school holidays. good times. or something. i hate our school board for this; unfortunately transferring him to another district is nowhere near feasible, and us moving to another district is even worse if we want to do things like get around during the day (chris can't drive and neither can i, although for entirely different reasons.)

*suppresses the usual rant* where would i go to get an explanation for the number of idiotic school holidays?

sped antics

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