
Mar 09, 2009 09:58

pretty much all of these are from bernie_laramie; bernie is awesome. there's another from foxestacado, who is also fantastic. i have no energy today because i've had about five (maybe) hours of sleep (and i can't get back to sleep). so most of these are presented without comment. sorry about that.

7 incredible natural phenomena

fifteen bizarre statues

church's attack on pop culture leads to pornography. the last line is the best part, IMO.

the world's smallest radio.

pastor deflects bullet with bible.

my eyes hurt, a lot. one of these days i'll remember to pick up eyedrops. god i feel like hell. happy-gifts for Jane go here. as far as i know elevator is still broken. hope it is working by noonish; do not want to take a cab if I can help it and am not sure about pain levels given lack of sleep.

... god that's only two hours. must go out, as doctor's appt. cannot be missed (needs to perscribe more pain meds, and the pain meds need adjusting imo)

the women in my life are seriously amazing people (adularia and machineplay). i'm ridiculously lucky to have them and to have so many great friends, too. if i have the cycles to finish a wee bit of erotica by midnight i'm going to do that.

huh. there are noises in the hall. they may be fixing the elevator. that would rule.

i hope your day is good. i actually like mondays because the boy is off to school and it's quiet.


meds, pain, jane rocks the world, my girls are awesome, my friends are awesome

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