
Feb 03, 2009 00:49

  • 14:30 this week looks good. next week looks even better. may not be able to get film blog started until next pay period due to scheduling. s'okay. #
  • 16:17 dear teachers;writing "send pullups' on paper 7 or 8 times will not make them come faster,esp. since you got my email saying i'd send more. #
  • 16:48 about to order groceries and then upgrade beta windows 7 to slightly later build of beta windows 7. #
  • 21:13 boy accidentally reinstalled windows seven beta instead of upgrading. however, things have worked out anyway. #
  • 21:35 when configuring my computer i turn into the female version of Adam Schiff. #
  • 21:35 except instead of yelling 'get me a smoking gun' i'm yelling 'you goddamn newfangled programs i hate you all' #
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