
Jan 21, 2009 23:23

  • 10:47 dear person who dials fax machine at least once every other day: still a fax machine, dude. #
  • 11:53 i fell asleep and accidentally bresploded a livejournal post. i should not be trusted with anything more complex than a soft toy. *laughs* #
  • 11:56 ... food! i need food. i am hungry. yes.right. food. um. kitchen is thataway. Left. Must get up. #
  • 13:14 managed to eat food, gather dishes and load dishwasher without doing any damage to my person. go me! #
  • 15:28 had nap. still exhausted. hopefully sean can look after me, or maybe the cast will. mf. #
  • 21:11 neurologist and wife have best accents: mix of aussie and south african. suspect neuro would be lost without wife and office assistant. #
  • 21:11 possibly literally lost. he is a wonderful man, but he seems very much absentiminded professorish. #
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