
Jan 21, 2009 11:41

From wintersweet, who is the bringer of marvelous crack from Japan: Japanese Obama action figure. This is still making me giggle uncontrollably. (apparently the guns are just a japan thing. even the schoolgirl action figures have guns.)

From silenceleigh, who is fantastic (she did the photos of me, so if anyone local is interested in doing photos and liked these ones should contact her directly) 88 lines about 44 presidents. Funny AND educational!

From foxestacado, who emails me awesome links on a regular basis: demand for 'best job in the world' crashes website. Dude, it is a supremely amazing job. I'd do it.

And from sunsetsinthewes (who is one of my beloved internet children) the art of invisibility Really amazing 'urban camouflage art.' (camouflage is one of those words that looks wrong even when it's spelled correctly.)

I have to make one more telephone call to deal with this ridiculousness with the mail order pharmacy. I am also searching for the pin out of one of my shawl pins (I think it's under the couch but I can't reach it) and one of the lids to one of my pens. Other than that it is rest tiems here at my house. What are you doing today? I finished 'four and twenty blackbirds (cherie priest) and am working on Musicophinia (oliver sacks, all about the way music affects the brain.) And I'm practicing nap meditation periodically.

time for english muffins and jam i think.

(oh god i am so sorry about the previous asploted one. I am so tired, i fell asleep and it went strange because I hit a lot of buttons and I was trying to erase all the buttons and then it occurred to me that I could just copy and paste the text and then the thing would not be borken and oh god i'm so tired.)

and happy anniversary to my awesome girlfriend!

edit: omfg this post had a lot of typoes in it. i think they're all gone now. jeez. (i just wrote 'jess' for that. i think i should not be trusted with anything created for those over age 3.


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