saturday stuff

Jan 10, 2009 13:33

Thank you, so much, to everyone who helped spread the word and/or voted yesterday. It really means a lot to me. The top three raniking issues in each category will be presented to the president-elect on 16 January. And it's important to make this issue visible. The system is so, so broken.

I've actually been to and reviewed the policies that are listed under 'autism', and they're excellent: early screening for all children (as infants and at age two), more money going toward research and treatment options; other disabilities have similar agendas. The reason this is important specifically is that it's an issue that may be overlooked unless you've been in the 'system' and that it's an issue that needs to be addressed.

The original post is here. You don't need to be a citizen of the US to vote, either. Please link to that post and get the word spread around. I emailed the PTA communications director (yes, I really did) in order to get distribution on the school listserv. Chris got the original email from Microsoft's autism listserv. I know quite a few of you have young kids; y'all can benefit from this too. You never know what might happen down the road.

Okay, soapbox over. Thanks, guys. It means a lot to me.

Other links:

From a few people on my list: CDC quietly revises their previous 'death by obesity' statistics. Instead of 400,000 people it was 26,000, and there were other comorbid issues with that group.

Um, yeah. Let's just slip that retraction quietly in there. It's not like that's IMPORTANT or anything, except WAIT. it is. *seethe*

(note: I am a person with an eating disorder (recovered, haven't in years, but I'm a person with an eating disorder in the same way that recovering alcoholics are still alcoholics). I know some of you have dieting filters - sadly I can't remember who does and who doesn't, otherwise I would have dealt with people personally - as it is I quickly skim past, which is why I forget who does and who doesn't have one. If you have a filter where you talk about dieting, can you please remove me? It's knd of triggery. Thank you.)

Also, I know too many people who have had their lives affected by cancer. I love this subversive cross stitch - and it's been slightly altered to include fibromyalgia, and could easily be tweaked to any number of things.

I'm sitting around in my pyjamas. My pyjamas are awesome - they're dark blue with snow-globes for every state on them - but I should really finish my coffee and get moving. I've got stuff to do today. Mostly boring chores and then some writing, but everything needs done.

my head is pasted on crooked yay, health at any size, things that really matter

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