dragons always land on their feet.

Dec 26, 2008 17:08

Regarding the sofa:

I don't know how Chris does this. If I were a believer in Chinese astrology (which I generally am not, but I'm starting to be swayed), I would say that it's because he was born in the year of the Dragon, which grants upon its children a sort of incredible luck.

I have tried to find things on Craigslist. I have always failed - things were either sold out or no one was interested in delivering or what have you. I've found things like curtains - stuff that most people don't generally "want" - but not like this.

Chris picked up the phone and made two phone calls: left one message. Guy calls him back, still has sleeper sofa in reasonable condition, guy is ready to deliver it tomorrow, no problem - all of this is accomplished in less than half an hour and it cost less than a hundred dollars, with delivery fee and "sorry we live on the third floor in a tiny elevator building" fee.

I'm trying to convince myself that I don't look like an idiot after all of this. *facepalm* Oh, no, I say, this never happens! Except when it DOES. The FUCK.

And this has happened MANY TIMES BEFORE NOW. He's found us nanny services through just talking to someone. Sean's bed came from a random stranger moving out of our old complex in Portland that we met in the parking lot and he struck up a random conversation with. He's talked his way into JOBS. Several times.

Me, I'm generally hopeless at this kind of thing. *sigh*

my boy is awesome

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