
Dec 26, 2008 13:32

Good news, everyone!

Wheelchair company is picking up wheelchair from hospital. Depending on delivery routes, wheelchair will be recieved here either tomorrow or Monday.

Today's mail love:

Canisters I bought off eBay (three of the old-school tupperware ones, in daffodil yellow)
Cards from the_new_perfect (who also previously sent Magnetic Poetry poet's kit) and tsuki_no_bara
Copies of my photo-shoot photos, from silenceleigh (she did an AWESOME job. will scan in some later. So, so good.)

Virtual mail love of the past few days:

e-card from reannon
LJ cookie from cutie_pattuti65
amazon gift certificate from hithah
many wonderful comments from all of you!

Running total of rest of gifts in case anyone wants to know:
natalief: handknitted socks and arty postcard
the_new_perfect: magnetic poetry poet set
awils1 -> moleskine and pens
mirrormargaret -> mix CD
cindy_lou_who8 -> lush soap and handmade paper/dried flower stationery set
bishojo_kitsune -> stuff from the sanrio store, largely stationery based
jane_hidell -> stuffed dragon (red) and dolphin stickers
benjimmy -> ten mix cds, a drawing of Hugh Laurie and a letter. <3
aquatic_fishy -> podfic that you can download here.
hobbitblue adorable fluffy snow leopard of fluffiness

Gifts from tallin and seanersxp:

a stocking full of chocolate
evolution's rainbow: diversity, gender and sexuality in nature and people (have read it before but am totally stoked to have my own copy. must-read for anyone interested in gender/sexuality and/or science: written by a Christian transsexual evolutionary biologist who rocks the world.)

the quirks and quarks guide to space. Anyone who likes NPR's "Science Friday" will love CBC's Quirks and Quarks: podcast available at the CBC Podcast site.

And there will be more as soon as the UPS/Fedex people show up.

All in all a very satisfying couple of days, with the promise of more to come.

Also cool: Seaners adores his new mp3 player - it is better than stimmies. Those of you who deal with autistic kids will realize how big a deal it is that something new is providing so much joy. I know I've said it a lot in various places, but I'm just so pleased with it - and I think he's learned what the buttons do, too, which is awesome considering it's existed here about 24 hours or so. And it's so awesome that he's coming out of Sean World and taking interest in things around him. <3 machineplay gets loads of credit and kisses and lovins for showing it to me. (Will deliver kisses and lovins personally.)

Will have wheelchair for writing date with shadowgoddess42 AND to go to the airport to get gizmometer YAY!!! omg stoked.

science is awesome, gratitude, shameless geekery, genderstuff, jingle humbug, what's the matter with kids today

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