despite rumors of my demise i am, in fact, alive. we are now mid-move; i am at a coffee shop around the corner from the new apartment; cats are in new apartment; Chris is at the old apartment. Child is at school and will be dropped off at new apartment afterwards.
I am dead tired, insanely sore and physically exhuasted. but i think we did manage to do it. <3
Thank you
arjache and
hithah, again, for being so very awesome and helping us pack; we couldn't have done it without you (i mean that).
things new apartment has that old one does not:
- dishwasher
- washer/dryer
- lots of bathroom storage
- amazingly spacious closets
- gigantic cupboard/counter in dining room
- lots of closets
- carpets (that could be good OR bad. all white carpets. huh.)
i am not going to be able to catch up on my flist; please leave a comment and tell me what's gone on in the past few days, because I do love you all. <3 (I mean that. I do.)
(and if someone could make me a bunch of icons from
this set of pictures I would love you possibly more. OMG Olivia Wilde == HAWTNESS.