
Nov 08, 2008 15:27

More animals today. <3

From the wonderful foxestacado, who sends me these by email (a few people do that, and it makes me smile, every time) <3 thieves had 12 pigs stuffed in minivan.

And from the marvelous gimp_mom: panda (and others!) videos at the Atlanta zoo There's a live streaming pandacam of their latest cub (liink at the top of the page) and there's also MANY excellent clips of this cub and his/her older sister being checked out by the vet and playing and the actual birth videos and all that. Really great stuff.

today I have so far done not a whole hell of a lot. It's really getting increasingly difficult to focus these days. As much as self-diagnosing isn't really the way to go I really do think I have some kind of attention deficit thing; some of the tests that the neuro sent me home with were to diagnose that, and I had a lot of high scores both now and based on childhood memories. I am going to talk with him about meds for that and from what Chris has read about the fish oils and vitamins that the neuro suggested I buy, they're supposed to help as well.

(skeptical about vitamins still. trying to work out why, before you ask. do not know yet. am analyzing self currently.)
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