so many people are on notice

Oct 14, 2008 17:43

Dear Guy who attempted to 'help' me on the bus:

First, pointing out 'there's a seat there' is an exercise in stating the goddamn obvious, as we were at the exact beginning of the route and you were the only one on the bus before I got on. Second, where in the high holy FUCK does it say that it's appropriate for you to wrap your arm around my WAIST in an effort to 'help me up the stairs'? (which, btw, i was absoutely fine on, merely slow.) Um. NO.

I should have clocked you with one of my crutches. Except that I THOUGHT I had an appointment today that I would have been late to. Plus the angle was all wrong.


Dear rehab therapy department support staff,

I am a reasonably well functioning adult. Okay, so I made a mistake and got the wrong day. Okay, so I have a disability that is such that I use the services provided in your department. This does not mean you have the right to condescend to me like I am five years old and lost in a shopping mall. If you can only reschedule my missed appointment without a scheduling slip, get off your fucking condescend-mobile and SAY THAT. Do not say, when I ask to make more appointments, "oh, we'll just start with one for now" and metaphorically pat me on the fucking HEAD. Your counterpart on the other side managed to treat me like an adult just fine when she told me I had the wrong day. It's easy to treat someone with the fucking respect they deserve and give them information without treating them like a fucking child.

I hope you fall down a flight of stairs and get stuck as patients in your own antiquaited and condescending system, you poisonous, festering cockwaffles. I hate you both and I am damn close to changing my PT provider despite liking my physical therapist just so I won't have to deal with your particular brand of fuckwittery again.


your stupid makes me capslock

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