set phasers on 'random'

Oct 13, 2008 21:31

today I:
Did some writing
Organized my knitting needles in the holder I bought from starsong.
Read some bits of 'Discover'. Apparently my brain is enjoying microfiction (my girl bought me microfiction as a present because she is awesome) graphic novels and magazines at the moment. Could be far worse.
snuggled with dorky cat
Found one of my scribble-it-down notebooks; discovered there's some pretty good stuff in there.
set up a trial account at lumosity. (that is a seriously nifty site. am seriously pondering springing for one year membership. my brain feels good and stretchy.)
bit by another ficbunny.

tomorrow: PT, then botox, then coffee shop for an hour or two, then House assuming it's safe again. hate busy days like that but at least this week there are only two.

need a vacation, so badly. will have to settle for coffee and an afternoon showing of 'burn after reading' on thursday. growing sick of settling, but sadly there's no end to it in sight.

totally amazing clickie from the totally amazing foxestacado: second shark 'virgin birth'.

i still want to learn so many things but can't really justify going back to school right now. learning things seems easier to justify when it's in pursuit of a magical piece of paper. (sad commentary on society, that) right now I just feel like a dilettante, or like I'm playing at something to distract myself from the real world but that will have no real life application, and it bothers me. Cannot understand self on this issue. This is a particular problem with languages, because I want to learn some and get better at the ones I know, but there's no application in real life right now so it feels fruitless. why do I think this way? don't know. worth examining I suppose. brain, you so freaking crazy.

i suppose if nothing else I can call it research for ... something. the novel as yet-to-be-written.

my head is pasted on crooked yay, my girlfriend rocks

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