paperwork production act

Oct 07, 2008 15:38

Neuro/psych appointment took over four hours. Nearly two hours of paperwork, an hour and change seeing the actual doctor and the rest for blood testing. Five vials of blood + a urine sample; I go back in ten days for two hours of more paperwork (this time on computer) and to be fitted for an ambulatory EEG which takes place over the weekend.



He's tapering me off the paxil (among other things it's also interfering with my absorption of pain medication. good times) which I should be off of around Christmas. Replacing that with a lower dose of celexa and eventually something called buspar that I'm not familiar with. The rest will be discussed after the blood test/EEG results are in.

Brainmeats scorecard: severe atypical depression, moderate generalized anxiety, moderate social anxiety, obsessive rumination (no compulsion), profound insomnia, severe fatigue. Really nothing I didn't know except that the depression is worse than I thought, but that's why it's atypical I suppose.

All in all a satisfying day.

healthcare is like herding cats, my head is pasted on crooked yay

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