things and stuff

Sep 30, 2008 15:09

I ordered a copy of the dr. bronner documentary film today. I'd seen it some months back with seattlejo but I wanted a copy for myself - I went for the DVD + soap package (I prefer watching movies on my TV whenever possible, and I do like their soap, it was a pretty sweet deal) but they have the movie up for download for a fairly small fee ($8 I think? might be less). It's really worth the money if you like documentaries or even just quirky movies - he lived a fascinating life and he was indeed certifiable.

Clickie from the most excellent purplewaxhand: IVR hacks. To get around those damnable voice recordings on phone systems. Good stuff.

Slept until 11:30 today. Managed to straighten out apartment ... vaguely. Still have laundry to fold and boxes to take down to recycling area. I hate sleeping so late but the body insists on it. I feel like Pizpot Gargravarr from 'Restaurant at the End of the Universe' except my arguments never involve sex and fishing, they involve sleep versus having a damn life. Just - augh. It's starting to really get to me.

Also, still have not heard back from psychiatrist types. Really need to find someone soon. Do not want to go calling through all $HUGE_VAL psychiatrists in the Premera directory. Anyone have any recommendations? Seattle preferred but busable parts of the surrounding area might be okay for the right person.

I hate this. I really, really, really hate this. So much. The body and mind are unstable and at odds, I don't have enough time to do the things I want, pain and tiredness. Hate this.

I'll be scarce tomorrow - still not watching House and trying to avoid spoilers. Will be scarce from messengers tonight for the same reason. I have it on reasonable authority that the sad storyline that's really bugging me will be at its conclusion with the new episode on the 14th of October, so I'll be back in the loop then. (brain is panic-level unstable about this. hate it. so much. there's a tiny little voice in the back of my mind that wants to say people are laughing at me, even though I know the ones that matter aren't. I will distract this voice, somehow. Possibly by throwing a movie and knitting project at it.

pain, pshrinkologists, my head is pasted on crooked yay, ate too many fannish cookies again

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