deep breaths ... annnnnnnnnnd zen. um no. FAIL.

Sep 23, 2008 16:27

Okay. Yes. The reading assignment (why do they hand out these 'assignments' when really it's more work for the parents? I do have other things I have to get done during the increasingly shorter part of the day that I'm not sleeping.) I will allow to go by, even though it is somewhat bizarre to be reading to a child that is totally blind and has a hearing impairment. All right. I will let that go. I have the Neil Gaiman children's collection on CD and I have Benjamin Britten's Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra and those count as books because I SAY THEY DO.

But I am not colouring the colour in activity page. This is too much. The line must be drawn HERE. (this far, no further).

This merits some serious explanation. Because I'm sure all the homework packets were the same ... but .. AUGHhjiowejewknldlohigfklndfk;erijaerwkn;g. *INCOHERENT FLAILING*


your stupid makes me capslock, big honking case of wtf?

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