goodmorning, goodmorning to you

Sep 22, 2008 10:45

newtypeshadow, who is amazing and win, sent me this: minesweeper the movie. Worksafe. Requires sound. Very much of the awesome.

This week I have pretty much nothing to do except PT on Tuesday and 'Meet the Teacher Night' (which they're now calling 'Curriculum Night', I expect just to confuse parents who aren't part of the usual hivemind and thereby confusing them to drink the Kool-Aid.

I fell over yesterday just walking across the room and know my right knee is swollen and bruised and my wrists hurt and my ankles and feet are all scraped to hell and gone. I was going to go to the pool but I fell asleep instead. FAIL.

Plans for the day - clean catbox, sew buttons on things (assuming I can locate the buttons I bought to sew on the damnable skirt now that I've found the damnable needles and thread) probably end up taking at least one moar nap.

Hand tics are migrating to both hands and gettng worse. I'm spilling things nao. Who do you go to for stuff like this? What kind of specialist? My rehab guy is So Not Helpful

Maybe I'll go make those super-lazy gluten free peanut butter cookies in a bit. *YAWN* And maybe a movie.

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