meme from jaaaaaane. <3

Aug 24, 2008 19:55

Because I love Jane. <3

1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open it on page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Copy the next three sentences into your blog.
5. Tag five people. Or not.

Naturally some of the worst combinations are those at polar opposites on the astrological chart. For example, a persistent rat would annoy an independent horse, a hardworking ox could bore a whimsical ewe, while an authoritative tiger would frustrate a competitive monkey. Other mismatches are a discreet rabbit with a candid rooster, a demanding dragon with an introverted dog, and a decisive snake with a hesitant boar.

-- good luck life, by rosemary gong (doing research)

Do it if'n you want. <3
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