
Aug 08, 2008 10:39

tallin, last night just before bed: "Where's the coffee?"

Me: It's in the cupboard at -

Tallin: No, no. Not the new stuff, where's the jar of coffee? That was beside the coffeemaker?

Me: *eyes widening* THE BABYSITTER.

She cleaned the kitchen. Marvelous. She moved the coffee.

It was a frightening ten minutes until we found it, tucked away in a dark corner probably the furthest place it could be in the kitchen from the coffeemaker.


Today I take the child to the DENTIST OH BOY.

And and AND I got the ship notification for the "Snow, Glass, Apples" BPAL with the Neil Gaiman chapbook NOMNOMNOM.

And! I did not get enough sleep! Because there was the coffee incident, and then walking across the room on the way to bed my ankle decided that walking was just NOT ON and quit, right there, and I bruised my breasts (no, really!) by falling into the edge of the sofa, and ... yeah.

It was one of those nights. Not in the Eagles-song sense.

Clickies! Yes, have some:

the stonehenge clock. It has ROBOTS involved.

international dome house. Oh god, do I ever want this. It would be like living in SMURF VILLAGE ALL THE TIME.

From the most awesome and excellent takaal: the velveeta rabbit. love. <3 <3

From the far-more-talented-than-your-humble-servant yuki_onna: (OMG can she WRITE, seriously, I've lost track of the number of times I've told friends to READ HER BOOKS): How to sleep with a writer. Carefully, in one word. I agree.

haikujaguar is doing another One Card Draw. She is one of two people who I will do divination with (deyaniera is the other), largely because she is SO RIGHT ON. If you want a card, the best way is to kick some money into the tip jar. It's worth it.

Seaners is petting the little muffin-top bit of skin at the top of my shorts. It's cute, but weird. Just like him.

Now he's humming and staying 'hi' in context and being offended on dad's behalf for those THINGS attacking his head (ie: headphones).

And again, paratransit sucks. AUGH.

outbreak of medical care, my friends rock, bpal, muse

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