pain and general disatisfaction

Jul 29, 2008 15:17

Number of referrals I asked the Stoned Nurse in rehab for: two.
Number she has managed to screw up? two.

Called the ankle/foot surgeon to check on my referral. Apparently The Stoned Nurse put that I had 'knee pain' (which I do, but the ankle pain is FAR worse and that IS in my file) and so it got kicked back as being not this guy's specialty. I fucking swear I will never find an orthopedic surgeon. Bleedthrough pain on ankle is sadly normal now, which makes me wonder how it would be without the freaking methadone. I can barely walk on it for more than two or three feet. Left hamstring hates me on general principles. *grumble* Seeing doctor on Thursday. Am going to beg for more methadone and hope they don't think I'm a drug-seeking junkie.

Called physical therapy. Still can't find my physical therapist. Hate their new receptionist; she is wonderfully unhelpful. No one is returning my calls. RAGE.

Tripped in living room, bruised tip of right patella on floor. May have screwed up left hip in attempt to get up. Took me ten minutes to walk to the end of the block. Have stuff to do and can't bloody focus. Do not want to supplement methadone with tylenol 3's or percocet, but may well have to.


healthcare is like herding cats, gimpy, pain

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