fun and valuable prizes

Jun 10, 2008 13:14

Today's fun and excitement: a trip to the primary care person, who seemed kind of concerned that I was still having breathing problems from last month's bronchitis. Which is kind of good, because frankly I'm kind of concerned about that myself.

So I won an all expenses paid (by my insurance) trip to Blood Draw with a stopover at Radiology for an exciting Chest X Ray (again).

And for the low low price of three vials of my precious bodily fluids, I get to have a thyroid test, a heart test, a blood count and an iron levels test! Don't you wish you were me? Sure you do.

Friday is when the big fun starts, because I have an hour-long pulmonary function test at the exotic Hospital which means I don't get to use my inhaler at all Thursday and I get to be put through some kind of exotic torture and show off my fabulous breathing skills.

*bows* Thank you, thank you, hold your applause. I'll be here all week. Tip your server, please, and enjoy the rest of the show.

outbreak of medical care

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