
May 18, 2008 23:06

  • 12:10 cheesefest = omg cheesetabulous. so much cheese. will be eating the stuff for months. <3 having iced lattes and desperately seeking nap #
  • 18:00 ugh. should probably feed child. so tired. so, so tired. ouchy. #
  • 19:54 *flops* finally cleared out massive email glut. Seaners is humming a song that I don't know. #
  • 19:57 OH. It's the eensy weensy spider. Or well, part of it. over and over. #
  • 20:14 and now, more 'chris teaches sean the five notes from close encounters' lessons. fun for everyone. #
  • 21:08 so tired. legs are full of hate. argh #
  • 21:24 actual conversation from this house: "Okay, you tell me what's scarier: scientologists or ageplay?" #
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