Apr 25, 2008 16:19

Deep breaths. Happy place. Etc.

Sent an email to the classroom teacher this afternoon mentioning that we don't feel we are in the loop about what Seaners is learning at school

Got email reply. Quoting selected passages below:

"I seem to have some confusion as I am in almost daily contact with you via email."

Um, yes. But the emails you send are things like "sean had a 'good day' today" (hello, vague?) and "we need you to send in this or that permission form, this or that supply is running out.' I am asking what the child is DOING. What life skills are you working on this week? What is he doing in therapy sessions? These are not hard questions! If this is the way you communicate with all your parents (which it appears to be given you say this is your replacement for the communication notebook)? WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?!? What is a "good day"? It sounds good, but does it say anything? No!

"There have been 3 IEPs sent home."

Yes, and everygoddamned one of them it's been "Sean is doing x y z successfully now." and we're all "what?" or "Sean is blah blah blah social skills blah." and we're all "why aren't you worrying about language and dealing with the socialization bullshit later on when he has a METHOD OF SOCIALIZING? YOU KNOW.

"You are invited to come and visit the classroom and you have declined."

Oh yes, of course. I have all the time in the bloody world to go down there and follow the boy around all day. Yes, definitely. Because I'm a fucking mother that has nothing else to fucking do, of course. It's not like I have a rest of my life, except wait! I do, you IDIOT. Chris works, what, 8AM-10PM most days? I have stuff to do, not the least of which is wrangling the child? For fuck's sake. I do not want to go down there, it is halfway across fucking town and I do not have TIME to go during the day, because that's when I'm TRYING TO GET EVERYTHING DONE THAT I CAN'T DO WHEN THE BOY IS AT HOME! LIKE GET MY GODDAMNED BRAIN BACK FROM THE PABLUM IT TURNS TO WHEN I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS! LIKE HAVE TO DEAL WITH A MILLION DOCTORS! LIKE FUCKING EVERYTHING! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU THAT THIS IS SO FUCKING HARD TO FUCKING UNDERSTAND?????

MUST RESTRAIN URGE TO KILL. Y'all don't want me to go all shankhill butchers on your asses.

"... 'cause everybody knows if you don't mind your mother's words ... a wicked wind blows the ribbons from your curls ... everybody knows, everybody shakes ... the shankhill butchers want to catch you away ..."

your stupid makes me capslock

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