monday, full of stuff and things

Mar 24, 2008 16:20

Boring appointment with pain management guy. He approves of the new treatment regimen (lidoderm patches as needed + diclofenac (a popular European NSAID, one does feel on the cutting edge) 2x daily) and wants me to see Primary Care Guy so I can take something for the damage which will inevitably be caused to my stomach by the pain medication. Plus I have to get blood work done every few months to make sure the whole bloody lot of this isn't slowly killing me. Look! An Outbreak of Medical Care! Awesome!

He wants to see me in two months - after I see the rehab guy, who I'm seeing next week - and approves of the spinal surgery thing or something similar. So we'll see what Rehab Guy says next week.

Whole Foods: Still full of Pretentious Nannies and Mommies, still overpriced, but they have a more reliable supply of glutenfree bread than TJ's does.

Am happy recipient of package! From tsuki_no_bara, who is made of win and awesome. (Seaners totally approves of the CDs, by the way, and so do I. He is Rocking Out in a very serious way (there is much jumping, bouncing, laughing and stimming.) Haven't tried the cookies yet, am hiding them from kid until after his bedtime: they have wheat in them, which is fine, more for me! THANK YOU SO MUCH, honey.)

Think kid may also have dairy sensitivity as well as gluten problem (and indeed think that dairy sensitivity may be worse than gluten problem). Totally forgot that he had to be on soy formula as wee baby because of dairy sensitivity then. Feel vaguely like lousy mother because of this. *laugh*

Apartment: disgusting disaster due to child being home on weekend. Hate cleaning, yes precious. Ankle feels like pain and death: can't put another patch on it for a while (they have to be 12 hours on, 12 hours off) so I'm just resting it.

Am trying to get good picture of cat playing with packing peanuts. No success as yet. Have several pictures of cat's butt though. Cat is obviously typical cat in that respect.

outbreak of medical care, my friends rock, healthcare is like herding cats, meds, pain

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