saturday morning, who's gonna play with me?

Feb 23, 2008 11:19

So in the Search For Military School or At Least Other Options which took place yeterday afternoon (you thought I was kidding, didn't you? Hell no.) we did find out a few things:

  • There are actually Autism With A Side Of Blindness Experts out there. They're based out of Portland. They're holding a seminar in Yakima this summer. I'm so there, dude. Or at least I want their literature.
  • The Child needs An Intensive Behaviour Plan over the summer, if nothing else, because we are lacking mojo for teaching him important things like life skills, and if he doesn't get structure he goes crazy and I want to send him to military school. Must Yell At Psychiatrist to make this happen.
  • Daycamp is worth the money. (see above note re: structure.)

Teh Spouse, because he is A Crazy Person, has musings on fandom, crackfic and a Quest for Ultimate Evil here. You should read it, for he is a Funny Crazy Person..

kid with no words, life with talphinia

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