knott's urgent care world. coming to a city near you.

Feb 16, 2008 19:14

So yesterday afternoon I started progressively losing the ability to speak in coherent sentences. I'd been feeling weird and off for a few days but I just kind of shrugged and figured I'd caught the kid's sick and kind of chilled for a bit. Minor spoken word aphasia has been a problem as long as I can remember, but this seemed worse, somehow - kind of foggy and weird and lightheaded.

Aphasia is an "uncommon" side effect of neurontin. So I called the pain clinic and talked to a nurse and she forwarded me to the doctor on call, and he called back, and it kept getting worse and worse until I couldn't say the word 'yes' reliably, and then we decided it was time for a trip to ... URGENT CARE WORLD!

(Note: Seaners did not get to go. Seaners hung out with the nursing students upstairs. He wrapped them around his little finger and had a great old time. One of them was also kind enough to both give us a ride TO Urgent Care World and even pick us up FROM Urgent Care World at 1:00AM when we got to leave.)

Yes! We spent 7 1/2 hours at Urgent Care World. It's a vaguely crappy theme park, but when they do let you go on the rides, the rides rock hardcore. Also the lines are really, really long.

So we got to Urgent Care World and were checked in by a Stereotypical Queer Guy. Chris told him my problem was 'aphasia'. He didn't know what that meant. There was also a large debate on how to spell it. I was able to, finally and with great irritation and effort, actually spell it FOR the man. The irony of this, in retrospect, was hilarious.

(If I actually had known it would have been gone in a short period of time it was kind of cool in a distant way. My brain was very foggy, but I could visualize the words on blocks or tiles in my head, and if I could slide enough of them together, I could actually make sentences with effort, as long as they were short. It kind of faded between worse and better - the bad moments I actually had to spell the words out in my head, but the good ones I could get as many as three or four word blocks.)

Other highlights of Urgent Care World:

  • Initial Bitchy Triage Nurse, who despite having read my fucking intake chart, almost didn't let Chris come in with me to get my vitals checked. Of course this happened to me during a particularly bad moment, because that's how I roll, apparently, and so he just kind of followed me in and snarled at her a bit and she went away and another much nicer and more understanding nurse came back. She was one of those "can you just make 'him' sit in a chair?" people. Fucking bitch.
  • Amazingly Hot Nurse who was just cool and was wearing a Threadless t-shirt and who took me to Radiology.
  • Head CT scan (I has a brain! Let me show you it!)
  • Riding on gurney to Radiology, which was wicked fun. If I worked at a hospital I'd just ride the damn things all the time. (Yes, I was lucid enough to be thinking about notes and things, because I am a nerd.
  • falling down due to seriously low blood sure while walking OUT of the ER. Another vote for my being Patient of the Week.
  • The neurologist, who was really cool. And now I know how a standard neuro exam works.
  • The reflux hell from not eating pretty much all day by the time I got home.

Conclusion eventually was that the increased neurontin + celexa + the hellbutrin mess just caused the brain to throw up its hands and say 'fuck this shit'.

So for the entirety of today I've been feeling like I'd been hit by a truck directly in the center of the head (the headache started around 4 PM yesterday and ended around 3PM today). but I have warm new pyjamas and have now had pizza and am about to try the nanaimo bars which were proxy-sent to me by my awesome girl machineplay (who also wrote me amazing fanfic for valentines' day) and I have BPAL (Pisces, which likes me very much, and two frimps, one that I've tried and loved and another that I may have tried but I'm not sure). So i'm okay now, and I love you all very much. <3 <3

We also had the dumbest babysitter evar today, and we've had some doozies, including the one that figured she couldn't catch sick from kids because the germs were too small (I am not making this up I freakin' swear). But I'll get to that later.

outbreak of medical care, meds

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