May 06, 2004 15:39
well tommorow's the field trip I the only one that thinks the bus ride will be better than the actual play? oh well it gets us out of school either way so im down with that. lol i just got a popup for one of those online dating services and for the example of what a "typical" user would look like. bullshit. it has a picture of some like supermodel. when i looked at it i thought to myself "why the fuck would she need to use an online dating service". it's bullshit. they may as well write "hey! this is just another shitstain-popup on the internet!" oh well. heres something to comment on~ if you were a superhero which power would you choose?
a. Flying
b. Invisibility
c. laser eyes
d. mind control
e. superspeed
For me it'd be flying without a doubt.