Rumsfeld and aspartame

Jul 05, 2007 23:16

I recently read about Donald Rumsfeld's involvement with getting aspartame approved by the FDA as a general sweetener when he was CEO of Searle during the 80's. I asked fellow coworker Jack what sweetener his diet Snapple had, and it was aspartame.

Just then another coworker, a company veteran (Jim) was walking by with a diet Coke. I don't know Jim that well, and I certainly didn't know his political leanings. Well, as soon as I informed him of this interesting link, Jim proceeded to enter paranoid mode. In fact, this one tidbit proceeded to blow his mind to the extent that he stopped drinking diet Coke, and he's been a loyal diet Coke drinker for over a decade. His basic premise was that anything involving Donald Rumsfeld can't be good. I can't say I disagree...


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