Algebra & Serenity

May 14, 2009 01:00

In algebra, Subtracting a Negative is the same as Adding a Positive. For example

6-(-3) = 6+3 = 9

I do not intend to give a long drawn out explanation on the mechanics of mathematics, but I'd rather focus on the profundity of the fact that subtracting negativity is the same as adding positivity.

Siimply performing the action of ridding your life of negatively is the same as filling that void with positivity. Life is a beautiful thing. Life can also be an ugly thing. Life can be easy, and sometimes life can get rather hard. None of us are immune to the many curve balls life throws at us, and we all know that life can bring its share of pain, hurt, heartbreak, disappointment, anger, disgust, and overall bullshit.

Even though life its us all hard, it is hardest for those who choose to dwell on the negative aspects of life than to savor the beautiful things life can bring. We live, we learn, we love, we hate, we lose, we win, we go through a lot. But no matter what, you still have the ability to say that "we are" or "I am". Let life be life and let the positivity of life shine through you. It is an oh so wonderful thing.

Lastly, we all come from different backgrounds, have been through different things, have gone different places, and will later on be wherever your future places you. But no matter how different we are, we are all bound by the fabric of life. Do not waste precious moments in life hating someone, angered at someone, envious of someone because life happens while you are busy wondering how to affect someone elses. Just let it go. Why waste your time and energy on how to bestow pain and hurt on the next person when that same time and energy could be put into telling someone you love how much you care or taking the time to do something that makes you happy.

Be a friend, not an enemy. Be a lover, not a hater. Fight for right, not for wrong. Promote peace, not chaos. Be kind, not spiteful. Enjoy beauty, not bullshit.
Subtract negativity, and let positivity take control.
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