Title: The Things We Leave Unsaid
Fandom: LOST
Character(s) or Pairing: Juliet/Ben (in a roundabout way)
Prompt: #10. Time
Rating: PG
It’s the sweetest moment when he closes his eyes. Almost like a burden being lifted. For once, he’s not watching her. He’s not checking up on her. She can’t feel that burning sensation in between her shoulder-blades. But as she looks down at him, as she sees how gentle his face has become, she can’t help herself. She touches the tips of her fingers to his bare shoulder, revels in the warmth of his skin. In her head, he’d always had cold skin. It’s funny how things change from imaginary to reality.
Thirty years earlier…
She sighs. In her head this is slow motion. She moves faster than anything else, at a sickening pace that has her head spinning. How is this happening? How did this happen? Her mind flashes to three years ago…
Or thirty years ahead.
Here he was again, on the operating table, waiting helplessly for his life to be saved.
Or is it that he will be here, in his future, waiting helplessly for his life to be saved.
She looks down at his pained face.
Suddenly everything makes perfect sense.
And she saves his life.