The X Files, Dana Scully, #003

Jun 09, 2009 02:41

Title: Where Does It End?
Fandom: The X Files
Character(s) or Pairing: Dana Scully (small mention of Emily)
Prompt: #003 - Ends Justify the Means.
Rating: M for adult concepts.
Summary: Dana muses on the phrase 'do the ends truly justify the means?'
Word Count: 124

My little girl. So small, and so innocent.
So unaware of the horrible truth of humanity.
It makes no sense that someone so young should suffer.
For science? For personal gain? For protection? For the beyond?
What is enough? When will it be enough?
One life for a thousand, yet whomever wrote these immortal words must
never have know the joy and pain of having children, nor any loved ones at all.
If you knew that your son, or your daughter or indeed any of the ones you hold dear
held the key to cure cancer, or diabetes, or death itself within their precious veins
- would you sacrifice them? Would you be able too? Does the end truly justify the means at all?
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