ancient greek philosophers wrote their observations of phenomena in nature and human society

Jan 29, 2020 15:52

people dont want to recycle.
i observed how the slow legalisation of marihuana
led to the practice being picked up by young urban professionals.
when marihuana was illegal, hippies and nature lovers praised marihuana.
now that the threat of arrest is all but gone
money focused people have embraced marihuana and totally abandoned the spirit of the subculture that made this possible for them.
at the sports park, people of alm ages gather to maintain fitness, drink beers, sit and socialize, perhaps philosophize and smoke marihuana.
the garbage cans are full of plastic beverage containers. pensioners and others collect the depositable containers.
i also do this.
but no one cares to unite to find a way to gather the non depositable containers for recycling.
i am not a loud or pushy person so my efforts to solve this were not extreme. i gave up.
i am however left with this viewpoint that is solid.

there is not much else to be said without delving into repetition or redundancy.

a two part closing. i am personally left with a puzzle on this quest as to how to get people to recycle- as i see it many people about my age i feel should feel an obligation and a debt to the hippy-environmental community that had brought marihuana into their lives during the time of prohibition. Thus i am puzzled by their eager acceptance of the freedom to enjoy marihuana while rejecting the values of those that made this possible for them.

finally i am left to view this phenomenon, not recycling by the new marihuana community majority, from various perspectives. Pride, personal, moral or religious, etc. A sense of obligation perhaps. And the negative capitalistic view of recycling, even at a park that they constantly enjoy, as a burden, a non-mandtatory choice rejected since it is not a form of employment.

(perhaps this post is phrased and worded rather simplistically, though i tried for an elegant simplicity, i must admit i am currently suffering a circumstance of most of my family's library having been boxed away into storage,)

and to leave us all with a quaint observation- i have recently begun to notice, misspellings, in books. All sorts, from major publishers, even encyclopedic type history books. that phenomenon gives me differing feelings. it makes me feel hopeful for my own endeavors, seeing errors where large amounts of effort was devoted. it also makes me question the facade of high class status symbols.

i bid you all a good time.
i hope this post will be received well, and that it doesn't upset anyone desiring an in depth look into the mechanics of thought complete with references to great minds of the ages.
no. just a simple look at a phenomenon, hopefully somewhat at least in line with the spirit of the ancient Greeks

i.e. behold we are people in civilization and this is happening, noting the similarities and differences of things that used to happen.

(if i had the books at my convenience, perhaps i could have felt safe in continuing on a few aspects)

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