So, I've been in this community for a while, not counting the period of time when I was banned. In that time I've been an undergraduate studying philosophy in cognitive science, been working at a tech company and reading a respectable amount of philosophy on the side. Now I am in grad school at a program that is roughly "about the internet" but
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Yes, mendaciloquent and apperception--
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When I was bad the moderators took my privilege of conversing here, which certainly made me recognize my appreciation of this community and made me change accordingly.
I like you, but I've got one thing that I'm going to hold against you for all time, and that is that you came back groveling.
Appy and Mendy were being total dicks, and you caved to their fucked up moderating "ideology". You realize that they were basically just fucking around, right?
FYI, I didn't just come back groveling, I got a BA in Women's Studies so I could be conscious of social justice history and theory. Similarly, the times I was banned for trolling I was honestly just being an idiot (not malevolent), and so the banning made me want to pursue a real education in philosophy so I wouldn't screw myself over - I have a BA in Philosophy now as well. And this combined background in fact got me accepted to a PhD program for Comparative Literature to research educational literature at the beginning of our modernity (e.g. German Idealism) and to analyze this literature's impact on educational practice today. So you can see why I don't hold anything against the moderators.
What do you mean by "ideology"?
At the time, Appy and Mendy were trumpeting around a bizarro communist inspired 'policy' involving faux propagandist PSA's. I think it was pretty sick of them to make people write public repentance letters in order to get back into an on-line community--total power tripping. Sure, they had their reasons to be self-righteous--you can't argue with anti-misogyny!--but the way they went about it was totally immature and frequently hurtful of otherwise well-meaning people.
Take this spin-off community for example:
Mendy more or less banned me for calling him out on bullying, then proceeded to harass me on my private journal until I banned him from commenting. All the while why he put on pretensions of being holier-than-thou in his "maturity". This pretty much continues to present day. I think this user pic in particular really bothers him.
This was exactly how he treated me.
They actually *did this*? What unmitigated balls. I would've just told them to fuck off.
But you are a moral and intellectual degenerate on account of your completely idiotic and lazy account of feminism, so we shouldn't follow your example.
idiotic and lazy
Let the record show that I was provoked, if anyone wants to take offense at my telling 4inquiries to fuck off. Apparently she is filling the bully vacuum created by the absence of mendaciloquent and apperception.
"Filth"? No, I restrict my filth to my own personal LJ, where you will occasionally find photos of young ladies en deshabille. The current score, until the mods step in and stop this bullfight, is
4inquiries: "filth," "moral and intellectual degenerate," "idiotic and lazy," and general condescension
david_deacon: one exasperated "fuck off"
You have no social consciousness, do you?
No, none.
Clearly not, as you have done in this community what you are accused of. Also, you've said, "I want you to go out to the kitchen and make me a sandwich. Chop-chop!" which is an exhibit I will let stand on its own, without reply.
The current score
There is nothing unjust about militancy in itself, especially in language. Further, you admitted to lacking the consciousness requisite for counting the objects at stake, here, so we can ignore your account of the score.
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