I pretty much love marching band.

May 29, 2006 18:00

Am I glad I only have to do that one more time? Hells yes. I love parades. But I really wish it could have been 10 or 15 degrees cooler. It's like a band camp preview or something. It shouldn't be this hot in May. Come on now.
I can't wait till school's out. I'm dreading going to classes now. I don't see any point in them. If I was studied enough to take my exams this week, I would, and be done with it. I'm restless and I don't want to go back to that school.
I've decided to become healthier. Maybe a bit because of other people, but mainly because I've never really been healthy in my entire life, never that I can remember. I've never been in a sport, and band doesn't march enough for that to make me fit. I don't eat right and I lay around every chance I get. I never had a healthy role model in my house, because only a few non-immediate family members are in some sort of shape. I'm not that bad though, and I don't think it'll be that hard to shed 10 or 20 pounds. My goal is by the end of June, 10 pounds. Then we'll go from there.

Memories of YOUR 2005-2006 high school year.

What grade were/are you in?:

What grade will you be in next year?:

How old are you?:

What were your classes for the year?:
1. Honors English
2. Honors Algebra II
3. Biology
4. Symphonic Band
5. US History
6. German III

What was your favorite class & why?:
Probably Band and German. Band because I love music, and German because this is the last year I'll have it and so I've been livin' it up, and because Frau is amazing.

How many detentions did you get?:

Did you ever get caught with your cell phone?:

In what classes did you eat/drink in?:
Biology, History, German

What song(s) remind you of this school year?:
The Rent Soundtrack, the marching show

What was your favorite thing about this school year?:
First year in marching band

Did you make any new friends?:

Any new best friends?:

What was your favorite sports game?:
Lacrosse I guess because those were the only games I went to

What senior(s) are you going to miss the most?:
Oh gee I can't name them all. The ones in band for sure. Harmon, PJ, Brian

Who was/is your favorite junior?
You are seriously not asking me this question. I refuse to answer, on the grounds that I don't have just one, and I will forget someone. If you're reading this, and a junior, you are probably my favorite.

Who was/is your favorite sophmore?:
Again, can't pick just one. Very few. The select few that I hang with, you know who you are.

Who was/is your favorite freshman?:
Tie between Becca, Ashley, and Zach.

What did you think of the senior class?
I love those guys, the whores who didn't march with us.

What did you think about the junior class?:
They are amazing! Wee!

What did you think about the sophmore class?:

What did you think about the freshman class?:
A couple are okay.

Who did you date this year?:
No one.

Which one of them meant/means the most to you?:
Uhm ... see above?

If you could change one thing about this school year, what would it be and why?
That I'm not any healthier at the end, because I know I could have been.

What are you looking forward to most next year?:
Being able to get water second at camp, being able to drive, being healthier.

What are you NOT looking forward to?:
Seeing my class. The new sophomore band members, though I think some of them will be alright.


[ ] had over 5 tardys?.. in a single class?
[x] hugged someone in school
[x] started a rumor
[ ] gotten a detention
[x] cried in school
[x] made new friends
[x] gone to a dance
[ ] been asked to a dance
[x]watched a football game
[ ] watched a soccer game
[ ] watched a baseball game
[ ] watched a volleyball game
[ ] watched a tennis match
[ ] watched a softball game
[ ] watched a track meet
[ ] watched a basketball game
[x] stood up for someone being made fun of
[ ] broken up with someone in school
[ ] fought with a teacher
[x] got a 100% on a test
[ ] walked to school
[ ] drove to school
[x] got dropped off at school
[ ] gone to school under the influence
[ ] had something illegal at school
[x] missed school when you weren't sick
[ ] failed a test.
[ ] failed a class
[ ] made up some lame excuse for homework not being done
[ ] the teacher believed your lame excuse
[ ] crushed on a teacher
[ ] hit on a teacher
[x] hate a teacher
[ ] was involved with a sport
[ ] on student council
[x] in a club
[ ] got a scholarship
[x] got an award
[x] fallen asleep in school
[ ] gotten in trouble for falling asleep in class
[ ] had your phone go off in class
[ ] had your phone taken away
[x] lied to a teacher
[ ] laughed so hard you cried in class
[ ] eaten lunch in the bathroom?
[ ] missed more than a week at once of school
[x] enjoy school?
[x] excited for summer?
[ ] taking summer school?
[x going to ] have a summer job?
[x]made mistakes

band, survey

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