I am so proud tonight.

Feb 07, 2010 18:47

Can this Onion Ring get more fans than Stephen Harper

I've done my part. (For non Canadians, S.Harper = our Prime Minister)

Stephen Harper: 29,822 fans.
An onion ring: 116, 295 fans.

Some of my favourite comments from my comrades:

never had an onion ring prorogue my supper

One gives me bad heartburn, the other I dip in ketchup

The Onion ring is odious: it makes your breath stink and your belly swell. Still, it does not belittle Canadian democracy; it does less harm.

They say you're judged by the company you keep, and I'd trust this Onion Ring's friends more than Stephen Harper's friends.

We laugh with the comical Onion
It’s as goofy as a Funyun
While Stephen Harper
Is an arrogant carper
And about as much fun as a bunion

Who wouldn't pick a nice crunchy onion ring over a bad imitation Ken doll?

this onion ring is the great canadian unifier

I have faith in you Canada! And the onion ring that shall lead us!

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